2024 Fall Donation Drive

Please use the Donate button below or mail or drop off a check at the library. Checks should be made out to Cranbury Public Library Foundation. We want to continue to exceed your expectations.  If desired, you can designate the name to be recognized on our website on the PayPal form.

Donations will be recognized on the Foundation website as follows:

$25Library Patron
$50Library Friend
$100Library Benefactor
$250+Library Champion

Donations will incur a PayPal service fee of 1.99% plus a fixed fee of $0.49.

What an incredible year! Thanks to record levels of community engagement, feedback  and support, the Cranbury Public Library’s services have continued to grow. The  Cranbury Public Library Foundation is the only charitable, non-for-profit 501c3  organization that funds the services, needs and unique events held at the library.  Check out www.cranburypubliclibrary.org for upcoming programs and events, and here  is just a sample of what we sponsored with your generous donations:  

  • New CPL Program, Artist in Residence Jenny Santa Maria will conduct  monthly art history lectures and “hands-on” activity workshops on the first Friday  of the month from September through February. The next session is October 4th about ‘Medieval and Renaissance Art’.
  • CPL Foundation Special Speaker Event, November 1st at 7PM – Good  morrow! The Foundation cordially invites you to step back in time and experience  Princeton area history via a Revolutionary War lecture by the renowned  author and Associate Professor of History at Princeton University, Michael  Blaakman. Patriots will have a chance to indulge their senses in 1700’s food and  drink, and Election Cake will be served…curious? Come and find out what  enticed early Americans to the ballot box! Mr. Blaakman’s lecture, and meet and  greet, includes a suggested donation of $20 per person, collected at the door. 
  • Summer programming – including ‘Stage a Story: Where the Wild Things Are’  & ‘Jake Strong Magic Show’ for kids; and ‘Wheat Weaving’, ‘Saving your Family  Photos’ & ‘Rubber Stamping Art Workshop’ for adults.  
  • All-weather patio seating and umbrellas for outdoor reading, socializing and  other outdoor community events.  
  • Free museum passes to Museum of Natural History, The Intrepid, Pennsylvania  Academy of Fine Arts and The Old Barracks Museum.  

It is only with community support that we can continue to provide the most complete  services and events for the Cranbury community. Plans for the future include  expanding free programming, increasing program class sizes, and improving other  services and facilities.  

To make a donation, click on the donate button above or drop off a check to the Cranbury Public Library Foundation at the Library. All  tax-deductible donations will be acknowledged on the website and with a return letter  of appreciation.  Please specify with your donation the name you want recognized on the website,  or if you would prefer to be anonymous.

Thank you in advance for your support,  

The Cranbury Public Library Foundation 

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